Registration Policies


To book a cabin/campground reservation, including during Family Camp, a 50% non-refundable, non-transferable is required.

During Family Camp weeks, only full week booking are available until July 1st. After July 1st, partial week bookings during Family Camp weeks for non-reserved cabins will be opened up.


A non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is required to register for all retreats and youth camps. The balance is due the on the start date of the retreat/youth camp.


All deposits are non-refundable, non-transferable. In the case of a medical emergency that prohibits you/your party from attending camp, contact the Camp Office to discuss options.


Guests can check in anytime after 3pm on the day of their arrival.

Checkout time is no later than noon on the day of your departure. You may remain at camp longer, as long as all your belongings are removed from the cabin/campsite you were staying in and your vehicle is moved to a designated location.


Smoking is not permitted in any buildings at camp. If you smoke, please do so outside and use the coffee tins supplied at each

cabin for your smoking garbage. There is also an ashtray by the office.


Alcohol is allowed in your cabin, on your deck, or on your campsite ONLY . It is NOT PERMITTED in other public/program areas,

such as the beach, campfire pit, or any buildings. Ontario’s legal drinking age is 19.


The use of legal cannabis is allowed on the deck of your cabin or on your campsite. It is NOT PERMITTED on the beach, any public

area or inside any buildings. Please remember that the legal age for cannabis in Ontario is 19.


Your pets are welcome at Luther Village. We ask that you please clean up after your pet and keep it on a leash at all times. Pets

are not allowed on the beach, but if you want to let your pet swim in the lake you can do so by the volleyball court. You must give

a copy of your pets’ rabies vaccination for us to have on file while at LV. You can upload these records in your registration account.